In Biotrapper you can:
- Create custom inspections
- Create reminders so inspections aren't missed
- Guide inexperienced inspectors through inspections with custom questions that prompt certain actions based on the inspector input
- Notify supervisors of action items
- Track action items until they are resolved
- Attach images to inspections
- Geo-tag items at large sites to avoid confusion
- Automatically receive inspections as soon as they are completed
- Print reports

How does it work?
BioTrapper offers solutions for the collection and management of information and data from dispersed locations of periodic events, such as inspections.
- BioTrapper is designed to ensure timely collection of data and information, verifying entries, and initiating follow up actions. The system reminds the user if an inspection deadline is imminent, provides real-time feedback to operators during inspections, and forwards critical information to the person responsible for the inspected media.
- Information and data can be entered through multiple devices, including smart phones, tablets, and computers. Where wireless access is available, the information and data are uploaded real-time with corresponding feedback to operators.
- Data and information verification, contacts, and information transmittals are adapted to customers’ standards.
- Information and data are stored electronically for retrieval. For agency-required inspections or customer preference, a hard copy can also be generated in a customer-requested format.
- Biotrapper provides an economical means to address the gap between ‘line of sight’, where the process is within the control or influence of the responsible person, and the use of telemetry, where the frequency and sensitivity of the inspections or measurements warrants automated data collection and response.
- BioTrapper is built on a flexible platform, readily offering options to meet customer-specific needs, and allowing the interface with other data and information management tools already in use by the client, an analytical data laboratory, or other existing data repositories.